M922A1 120rds B.B. Shower

Quick Overview

M922A1 is a useful 120 shot B.B. shower. If you want to spread out a B.B. Cloud in the field, this is your choice.
Now, the M922A1 is the most popular B.B. shower in USA.

M922A1 120rds B.B. Shower

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  • M922A1 120rds B.B. Shower


M922A1 is a useful 120 shot B.B. shower. If you want to spread out a B.B. Cloud in the field, this is your choice.
Now, the M922A1 is the most popular B.B. shower in USA.
M922A1's exterior is based on the real M922A1 grenade. Click here to read more stories about the real M922A1.

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NOTE: This is a B.B. shower toy. Not an explosive grenade. Everyone should wear goggles in the field and please don't aim at people. Please read the users manual in the box before use.