B.B. Shower

SKU Product Name
MB-BBS-M381 M381 18rds B.B. Shower
MB-BBS-M433 M433 48 rds B.B. Shower
MB-BBS-M583A1 M583A1 96rds B.B. Shower
MB-BBS-M781 M781 42rds 8mm B.B. Shower
MB-BBS-M922A1 M922A1 120rds B.B. Shower

Quick Overview

This is a B.B. shower toy. Not an explosive grenade. Everyone should wear goggles in the field and please don't aim at people. Please read the users manual in the box before use


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  • m433.gif
  • m781.gif
  • m922a1.gif
  • m583a1.gif


NOTE: This is a B.B. shower toy. Not an explosive grenade. Everyone should wear goggles in the field and please don't aim at people. Please read the users manual in the box before use.